Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sepia Mutiny, Bollywood et all..

One of my everyday reads is Sepia Mutiny. The following that the posts have there are phenomenal. It comes with little wonder why. What with posts that cover thy desi-amrika linked stories with much chutzpah! Talking about issues and happenings that are mostly overlooked by me otherwise. I have a new perspective about various aspects - I always thought desis in US feign stories of India and its associations with the world outside. Not true! I have a bunch of friends who religiously read Sepia Mutiny for the wonderful coverage of human interest stories they do. And most of them are the desis in America.

What Initially drew me to Sepia Mutiny, though, were the colorful banners (note the "color" and not "colour" - Im turning American!). When i dug up the blog to have a look at the banners that are used here - I was surprised to see the amount of them having the bollywood and Bombay influence. The swell banners are here! I cannot help but not deny the association of India with bollywood. Not a bad thing. But it does not feel great about not having associations to the culture or the the cosmopolitan fabric it holds. Bollywood is not niche, and that is why it is not the done thing to be associated so heavily to it.

Not a day passes by in most parts of an average Indian's life without having the talk of bollywood. (Pardon the not-so-much-of-a generalization!). It is somehow has had the most drastic influence on minds in India. The youth take on to bollywood. Allow me to say that - No! I don't mean bollywood is a bad influence. But it does not deserve to have the influence to bring a cultural shift. A simple example - any dress that Madhuri dixit wore was a rage!

I recently read this article about how long loved Indian sari has been less embraced by Indian women, thanks to Sepia Mutiny to pointing me to the article. You can find it here - The sari saga . Shashi Tharoor, notes how suits and slacks and trousers have replaced saris at work place. Yet, I clearly remember women flanking gorgeous looking saris after the Aishwarya Rai movie Shabd. It was glamorous to do so - wear light saris to work, for it looked great in the movie! Oh yes it would! She is Aishwarya Rai! You don't want society to follow the foot steps of bollywood!


Zee said...

so are u saying bollywood is a bad influence?

Still Searching said...

i totally agree that mostly people abroad (I've seen this in US and Europe) associate India nowadays with Bollywood movies and music.. Including my hot boss :))

But yes, thats not us actually, and shouldn't be used to stereotype us, just as snake-charmers and elephants on the road idea shouldn't.

nutty said...

ok so now i have one more blog to read! hmmm...

well firstly I disagree! Yes, most foreigners associate India with Bollywood but its not the only aspect about India that is popular amongst them. They also associate India with "curry" or spicy food, brains (almost everyone marvels at how every Indian they meet is at least a Masters degree holder) and huge amount of growth! I have witnessed shock on Americans when I said India is not considered a developed country and still falls under the Third World umbrella. (the reaction I got was "aren't Third World countries basically the poor ones?"!)

And then why would you say Bollywood is not us? I would say replace "Bollywood" with the Indian movie industry at large (to include the non-hindi speaking junta) and then, right or wrong, every Indian is influenced by the movies. It is us. And why shouldn't it be? Its colorful, vibrant and larger than life! I am proud of the Indian movies and the song dance routines :)

Its not like snake charmers and elephant riders .. that has ceased to exist except in the minds of some ignorant foreigners .. Bollywood is very much integral to the Indian fabric.

Sorry ... my comment is almost a blog post! What can I say - I looou the movies!

satyajit said...

now if you include fashion in culture, then Bollywood surely does wield a lot of influence.

Still Searching said...

where have u disappeared?!

Anonymous said...

that whole nine yards is really making waves, Huh.............nothing is as elegant as a sari, even in sepia