Tuesday, December 04, 2007

And when it rains it pours!

Times were many when I had no clue where I was heading. And then, thoughts such as - "Did i make the right decision by coming here leaving my comfort zone?" always lingered around. Times change, and yes, I am in good stead to know where I am going now. All that matters! Hmmmm.. Oh well! I am graduating!! Yayy!

The feeling of gratuity and the realization of reason has suddenly dawned! My graduate studies are done. The benefits are reaped. And, ahead of me lies a life which knows what to expect. Much of the remaining period of rest and play until I start work has been planned out. Once work starts, it is probably going to be mundane. For a long time during graduation it was all about grades, then the period of job interviews ( which was a pain, I tell u!!) and then the time to choose between jobs. There was always excitement. Right now, I am a couch potato! Nothing to work for - I have almost graduated and I have the job which was the ulterior motive! It looks like I know the path ahead of me and yet there is some uncertainty lurking around it.

I have now realized, in so long as you have a risky and challenging task in hand life proves to be fun and exciting. I now wonder why people want to "settle down". It is kinda boring. True to its literal meaning, I dont want to. I thoroughly believe it now - You should live on your edge! Jump the ridges and make a mistake, hurt yourself and rest a bit, wake up again and explore it all; of a world that you have not seen. I shall now say to thee my life - "Bring it on"


Pritesh Jain said...

Congratulations :)

nutty said...

Awesome! Way to go gurl!

Zee said...

congrats!!!! graduation seems ages ago for me....and boy! did life bring it on!!!

Alameen said...


SwB said...

Many congratulations and good luck for a great career.


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.

CandidConfessions said...

Thanks everyone!

Anurag said...

although i dont know the background...but graduation calls for CONGRATS...(btw graduating what...)

the last para was what struck me...never settle down...live on the edge...doesnt the very feeling shoot that pleasant tinge up ur spine...but then most of us have to make choices..."settling down" is one of them i guess
for some...its their choice of preference...

excuse the ambiguity...just back from a lecture which encouraged us to "think" through our hearts...

CandidConfessions said...

Thanks Anurag! I just did wind up doing MIS from Carnegie Mellon.. And about the settling thing - well, to each his own! Right?

Solitaire said...

And how's it going?
Guess the mundane life is not giving you the time to write more?!

Lucifer said...

first of all congratulations!!!
i really like d way u have ended d post "bring it on"...totally agree that thr always needs to b some kinda excitment in life...some motivation to keep one goin...
have been thru d exact same thing as u...
first gettin a good college for MBA...then grades...then placements...n then abs nothin to do for 3 mnths...
now its d job...n d excitment of wat follows...whether i'll b able to do wat i wanna do in life...its fun in its own way!!!
all d best for ur future endevours

Alistair D'souza said...

yeah.... and definately try a startup sometime.... the rush that it gives you is worth the experience... you get to see ppl try and give it their best... and that gives you inspiration...

all the best... remember we are the choices that we have made and will make... :-)