Friday, August 25, 2006


Here is one very funny poem i came across. Ogden Nash's poem -

The Ant - Ogden Nash

"The ant has made himself illustrious
Through constant industry industrious.
So what?
Would you be calm and placid
If you were full of formic acid?"

Come to think of it, this poem epitomises a very important phase of life. Presently, I can so well relate to this poem. Now that I am here for my masters life aint same. Gotta be "Industry Industrious" to endure the same. Perhaps, from now on its gonna be an ant's life forever. Restless as ever!


SwB said...

hello CC (is there anythinmg else i can call you?) ... thanks for dropping by the Blues.

btw, are you a 'he' or a 'she'?

cheers mate!

candid diary said...

Not only your url (declaring Priyanka Prakash) but your easy and clear writing style says you are a lady. No creation of confusion like the boys make. Please take it as a complement.
Btw, if you have been pursuing anything related to software we may hear about ANT from a software engineer's angle.
Keep up the good work.