Thursday, August 17, 2006

Noble Nobel!! Just trivia!

I just made a startling discovery!! Rather disappointing one at that. In all there have been 758 Nobel Prize winners till date. No, thats not the trivia that caught my attention. It is this - Out of the 758 Nobel Laureates only a mere 33 are women, so far!! That is less than 5% of the total number of the winners.
My instincts asked me to google and discern if the "phenomenon" has been acknowledged for. All in vain! Except for this site - A little bit of research revealed that no woman has been awarded Nobel in Economics.
The first thing that i had noticed under the list of Women Noble prize winners, was that, though not majority, the highest number of Nobel went to Women under the category -"Peace". Incidentally, It was a lady- Bertha von Suttner who urged Alfred Noble to have this category. She herself, later, went on to be awarded the same!
I should not like to believe statistics. Yet, I went on to key in "Women Ingenuity" in Google and found this - . Kind of pacified my rather disturbed mind!
I do not want to draw conclusions, for i do not believe in statistics!

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