Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Let's go exploring!

All good things come to an end.
So did Calvin n Hobbes and how!!! Caught in bouts of ennui I looked up google for my most adored character. Just as I was reading the all knowledgeable Wiki I found the last strip of CnH there.

This is how it goes:

Calvin: Wow, It really snowed last night! Isn't it wonderful?
Hobbes:Everything familiar has disappeared! The world looks brand-new!
Calvin:A new year.. a fresh, clean start!
Hobbes:It's like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on!
Calvin: A day full of possibilities!
It's a magical world Hobbes, ol' buddy...
Let's go exploring!

And what a way that was to bid adieu!

Here is the link to the strip -


Aparna Ganguly said...

Hey! That's one of my fav strips too.. :)
Calvin is my alter ego
Btw, did u watch the movie adaptation of Memoirs of a Geisha.. I have the book but am yet to read it.
Figuring the way I cried while watching the movie -I really don't think it'd be wise for me to read it :(

CandidConfessions said...

Hey Aparna!
Cheers to CnH!
I have read the book and seen part of the movie. If u cried watching the movie, the book is goin to be a little difficult!! Its more detailed and elaborate. Liked it though. I suggest u read it :)

zoxcleb said...

are u going exploring and not coming back here?

CandidConfessions said...

@ zoxcleb

u know, given a choice thts all tht i wud do!!!

Unknown said...

good one:)))))

CandidConfessions said...

Hey Felicity!

Thnx for droppin by! :)

Pritesh Jain said...

CnH is the philosphy. Answer to so many of our problelms. :)

CandidConfessions said...

@ Prits

Absolutely agree with u!!